January 17, 2010

We Bust the Windows Out Your mind

But don't worry though, there won't be any gore. Just inspiration. Hello world [dot dot dot] again. Your beloved Splash staff is back for the second (or third) time. Only this time we've got some Marvin Gaye, some Luther Vandros, a lil Anita, so you might say that we've definitely set this party off right. First off, We'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Hope your countdown was more exciting than ours, seeing as how ours was filled with ten minute testimonies and the longing for inebriation...just kidding. Aside from all that, this year we'd like to continue to provide a window into our minds as well as becoming bigger and better in this blogging game. We hope that you'll stand by us as we continue to grow this year. But if you don't? Well, as Cia.E would put it: "Ah Suh eh Guh"

CiaE & BKeem

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